Time Flies…

When you’re having fun!

It’s been a year and a half since my last blog post. I didn’t intend to take that long of a break, but it’s been a very busy year and half. Here’s the quick recap:

That’s me in the red shorts and white hat.

I ran the Twin Cities Marathon! Eight years after getting a DNF for crossing the finish line 5 minutes after the time cut-off, I finally came back and officially finished this marathon. I didn’t realize how much I needed to do this until I crossed that finish line. I’m glad I ran this marathon, but I decided I didn’t want to do another one anytime soon. A lot of people complete a marathon and immediately swear them off, only to revisit doing another one later. I don’t think I’m one of those people.



We got married! Troy and I were married on October 25, 2014 in Zion National Park. It was one of the best days of our lives, and we enjoyed sharing it with our friends and family. Married life has been great, like, really great. I honestly can’t imagine someone more perfect for me than Troy, and I’m so glad that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.


We had a baby! Our son, Wyatt, was born on September 5, 2015. Troy and I knew we wanted to start a family right away, and we feel so lucky that we were able to do that. Becoming parents has been exciting, anxiety-inducing, nerve wracking, exhausting, challenging, and oh so rewarding. There will be more posts on this subject, obviously, but for now I’ll leave it at: we love this little guy to pieces.

Wyatt at 4 months.

Lots of big and fun things happened in the last year and half! I kept thinking about coming back to this blog, I had plenty I wanted to talk about, but the time didn’t feel right until now. In the past I used this blog to document my running, training, and sometimes my trips. While I still run and train, the focus of this blog will shift to reflect more than just my fitness. I plan to write about my health goals and journey (I have significant baby weight I want to lose), but I also want to write about my life as a wife and parent.

That’s the long and short of it!


Sugar Update:

A few weeks ago I wrote about my ridiculous sugar cravings and my plan to break my habit. I was going to take three weeks off from eating added sugar, with only a few exceptions (I love Coffeemate!). Those three weeks came and went, and I mostly stayed away from sugary sweets. There were two times when I was hanging out with girlfriends that I let myself indulge a little, other than that I stayed away from added sugar. Now that my three weeks are done (just in time for ice cream season!), here are a few things I learned from the experience:

1) I’m a follow the rules person. If I have a rule for myself saying that I won’t eat sweets, then I won’t eat sweets. If I don’t have a rule, then I will eat sweets constantly. I’m not so good with the middle ground on a day to day basis.

2) I really like enjoying “special” sweets. When I was hanging out with a group of girlfriends for brunch, my one friend made crepes. There were savory ones, but also sweet ones with fresh whipped cream. Of course I ate them, and they were wonderful!

3) I get strong mid-afternoon sugar cravings. Sure I could just resist, but I prefer to have a sensible sweet snack.

With these things in mind I’ve made a new set of rules for myself. On a day to day basis I’m not going to eat cookies/cakes/chocolate, etc. For some reason, when I allow myself to eat these sometimes, I end up eating them all the time. I don’t need a dessert after lunch and dinner every day. I will let myself eat sweets on special occasions. An awesome dessert when I’m hanging out with my girls is a-ok in my book. I also want something sensible to satisfy my mid-afternoon sugar cravings, my fix for this is Luna bars. Yes, they’re a processed food, but I eat very little processed food anyway. And if these bars satisfy my craving enough so that I’m not eating a bag of chocolate, I’m okay with eating them. Plus they give me a little protein bump in the middle of the day, satisfy my sweet tooth and get more protein? Win-win! My final rule is that I will have ice cream. Once in a while. 🙂


Hip Update:

I was diagnosed with Femoroacetabular Impingement aka nagging hip pain two weeks ago. I started taking prescription anti-inflammation medicine and took it easy. I ran twice last week with no hip pain, hooray! I stopped taking the anti-inflammation medicine on Monday, per doctor’s orders. I went to a strength training class and did a 3 mile run yesterday, and today I have some hip pain. I’m not sure if I had this same discomfort last week and it was masked by the medication, or if this is something that needs to get checked out further, requiring that MRI my doctor mentioned. I emailed my doctor and will see what she tells me. In the meantime, my first physical therapy appointment for my hip is today. I’m hoping they can give me some guidance in how to manage this, I’d like to know if certain movements are more likely to aggravate my hip or if there are exercises I can do to help my hip.

For the short term, I’m going to hold off on running until I hear back from my doctor. This will likely delay my marathon training, which was going to start the first week of June, so I’ll probably have to revise the plan later. Hopefully, I won’t have to scrap it (fingers crossed!).

In the meantime, I’m doing lots of fun active things that don’t hurt my hip. I’ve returned to spinning classes at my local gym. They underwent a major renovation this Spring and with that came all new spinning bikes and new fancy schmancy spinning computers with lots of metrics for the data oriented, which I definitely am! The new bikes have power meters, and there’s a giant TV in the spinning room which displays the class’ data. Yes, you see the data for the other people in the class, no, it’s not nearly as strange as I thought it would be. One of the things I love about the new class is that we do a 3 minute time trial early on in the spin class. The bike computers collect our power data during the trial and sets up training zones for each of us. This allows us to see our percent effort on the TV display as we’re doing our workout. For example, when the instructor tells us that we’ll be at 80% effort for 30 seconds, I can see when I’m at that effort. The biggest benefit I’ve noticed in having all this data is that I push myself harder during class. I’m not always the best at going by perceived effort, so seeing my effort on the display helps me know how hard I’m pushing myself. And if I’m especially tired one day, that will be reflected in my time trail for that class, so my training zones are always based on what I can realistically accomplish that day. Here are some snapshots from today’s class.



Besides spinning, I’ve been doing more hiking. Troy and I are taking advantage of the holiday weekend to get out of town and do some desert backpacking. We both got new backpacks from REI this Spring, so last weekend we loaded them up and took them on a test hike. I was really happy with my pack. I’ve always rented backpacking packs and had a hard time getting them adjusted properly. This pack is the first pack I’ve used that actually distributes the weight onto my hips and not my shoulders. I’m looking forward to taking her out for a multi-day hiking adventure!

I look forward to posting about my trip soon, not only because I like posting about my trips, but also because I’ll be using my new computer! I’ve been using my iPhone as my primary computer for about 1.5 years now. It’s a great phone, but a less-than-great primary computer. I ordered a new Apple laptop and got Aperture pre-installed on it. I’m really excited to start editing photos again and to start typing on a real keyboard. Come back next week, and I’ll have some awesome Utah desert pictures for you! 🙂


Sunshine Award!


A while back Lauren at runsaltrun and Susie at suzlyfe nominated me for the Sunshine Award. I’m a little late in getting this out, but here are ten random facts about me:

1) I used to think it was bad form to wish someone “good luck” before a race. My reasoning was that someone who has put in the time and effort into training didn’t need luck, they were prepared. I’ve since changed my mind about this. I think you can train perfectly and still have things go wrong on race day. So I now wish runners good luck on their races, I think we all could use a little luck on race day.

2) I have run a marathon before, and it did not go well. In 2006 I registered to run the Twin Cities Marathon. My training was going okay, not great, until the final month before the race. I moved into a new apartment and for whatever reason, stopped running. I was young, 25, and foolishly thought I’d be fine for the marathon. And I might have been okay if I hadn’t left my nutrition in my sweat bag that morning. I started the race thinking I’d take it slow and finish. I took it slow and by mile 20, I was shot. I started walking and couldn’t run anymore. I hobbled across the finish line less than five minutes after the 6 hour time limit. At that moment I told myself that I would make it back someday. That someday will be October 5, 2014.


3) In August of 2007, I bought my first car. Less than two weeks later, a couple days after I turned 26, I packed up my cats and a car load of belongings and drove to Utah. I was moving to Utah for a job, but also to be closer to my boyfriend who lived in Carson City, Nevada and was planning to eventually move to Salt Lake as well. The boyfriend and I broke up the night before I left, there was another woman. I was completely alone in a new city with only a carful of belongings. It was a lonely time for me as I built a life and home for myself in Utah, but it was also exhilarating. There was something I really loved about being completely alone for the first time in my life. I had no family here and no friends, but that didn’t last long, and I’ve since built a very happy life for myself in Utah. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if I had chickened out of moving to Utah after that breakup.

Frosty, the Subaru I bought in Minnesota just weeks before moving to Utah.

4) I’ve always loved pugs. I even had a name for the pug I would someday get. His name was going to be Pudgy, and it was going to be a he because I wouldn’t feel right calling a girl Pudgy. Five years later I found myself newly moved to Utah and feeling that I wanted to do something to symbolize my new beginning. I was considering a tattoo when a co-worker at my new job told me she had just bred a litter of pugs. That was how Pudgy the pug finally came into my life.

Pudgy back in 2007

Pudgy now

5) I have an irrational fear of flying. When I was living in Minnesota, and my job interview in Salt Lake City was days away, I knew I wasn’t going to get on the plane. I got myself to a doctor who prescribed me anxiety medication. To this day, I try to avoid flying, and when I do fly, I usually take the anxiety medication. I know that statistically I’m less safe driving than I am flying, but there is something about being thousands of feet in the air in a multi-ton aircraft that just doesn’t seem right to me, despite the fact that hundreds of aircraft fly every day without incident. Hence, why I call it an irrational fear.

6) I used to really dislike the color pink. Even well into my adulthood, I couldn’t buy pink workout clothes because I thought it was too girly, too…pink. I now really appreciate pink. I now own lots of pink clothing. I even have pink trail running shoes. I don’t know how this happened.

7) Speaking of things I used to dislike, I used to hate cilantro. I always thought it tasted like soap. Now, I love the stuff! In any recipe that calls for cilantro, I will usually put in one entire cilantro bunch, even if the recipe calls for one tablespoon of it. I’m pretty sure my new appreciation of cilantro came from over a decade of eating Chipotle. I love that place!


8) I’m allergic to egg whites. I remember one day when I was a kid, my brother and I were eating breakfast, eggs. I wasn’t feeling so great and my mom must have been trying to get us out the door, she kept telling me I had to finish my breakfast. I kept eating more and feeling worse, so I told her again that my stomach wasn’t feeling good. This happened a few times until I threw everything up all over the table. After that I got an allergy test, I was really allergic to egg whites. If I ever have kids, I will never force them to clean their plates.

9) I’ve never been stung by a bee. Seriously. I’m 32 and have never been stung by a bee. I sometimes wonder if I should carry an epi-pen, just in case I am hyper sensitive to bee stings and someday get stung by one. I am allergy prone, and if a mosquito bites me, I get a huge welt. Any nurses out there who can give me some advice?

10) My mom is my hero. She grew up on a farm in South Korea without electricity or plumbing. Her father, my grandfather, passed away when my mom was young, and my mom worked full-time in addition to going to high school to support her family. My mom married an American and moved to the US without knowing English. She learned to speak and read English on her own. She struggled in a marriage to an alcoholic and had the courage to eventually leave. She raised me and my brother alone and without child support. She taught me about strength, independence, resilience, and courage. I love my mom and wish her a very Happy Mother’s Day!


Okay, now you know a lot more about me, what about you? I know a lot of the bloggers I follow have already been Sunshine Award recipients, so my apologies if you’ve already done this. My nominees are:







For anyone else reading, please post some random facts about yourself!

Weekend Recap

Last week I didn’t go to a spinning class. Instead, I went mountain biking on a trail system in Park City that finally had dried out enough for some riding. The trail area is Round Valley, and it’s my favorite mountain biking area, and one of my favorite trail running areas. Last Friday we did a short ride just before it got dark, here’s a shot of the trail:


When we got home, we saw that our pug, Pudgy, was sick. He had vomited several times while we were gone and was walking as though he was dizzy. It was scary. He has back problems, and I feared this was a very serious back episode, one that might require surgery, so we rushed to the 24 hour emergency vet (I’m so fortunate to live near one!). Pudgy tends to get nervous at the vet, so much so, that he gets an adrenaline boost and appears perfectly fine. Friday night was no exception. The vet thought he was fine, but then he vomited again, and we opted to do blood work and a urine analysis.

All his tests came back normal, and the vet was certain that his back was not the issue. The most likely explanation was that he had eaten something he shouldn’t have, and it made him sick. We were to feed him a bland diet and make sure he didn’t continue vomiting. If he continued to be sick, we had to bring him back for an ultrasound to look for foreign objects in his GI tract. By the time we got home it was nearly 1:00 in the morning.

My plan for Saturday was to run 8 miles, but with Pudgy being sick, and a lack of sleep from the late night vet visit, I opted to stay home and make sure he was okay. We cooked some plain chicken and rice, and fed him bit by bit throughout the day keeping an eye on him to see if he’d get sick again. He was completely fine all day! He was back to normal. 🙂


He loves to sit in the sun. 🙂

We have a follow-up visit with his regular vet tomorrow morning. I hope they don’t tell me anything too scary, Pudgy seems to be doing fine now, fingers crossed that is the case!

Sunday was a snowy day, so I stayed in most of the day again. With a few 10+ mile long runs in the bag, and the fact that I’m not hoping to PR in my half marathon this weekend, I was totally okay with not doing a longer run. Troy’s parents are visiting us this weekend as well, so it was the perfect time to clean the house and relax.

Today Troy and I went climbing. Our climbing gym, Momentum, opened a new location that is only 14 miles away from us (versus the 27 mile drive to the old location). Tonight was a member’s only climbing night, so we took the chance to check out the new space. It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!



The majority of the climbs are steep, which can get tiring, but they’re really good for building strength. The bouldering area (the top picture – no ropes, short walls), was my favorite. I’ll definitely be getting back into bouldering this year. The climbing legend Chris Sharma was there, and it’s always fun to watch him climb. All in all it was a fun night of climbing, I just hope it gets less crowded within the next couple months!

I’m now in full taper mode. My half marathon is on Saturday, so I’ll run two or three days this week nice and easy. I might go climbing again later this week, but other than that I’m resting, eating, and trying not to get too anxious about the half. :/

Week In Review (Last Week):
2 runs, 8 miles
1 climbing day
1 strength training day

Tabata Tuesday and an Anniversary

Yesterday morning I woke up to this:


Don’t get me wrong, the snow is very pretty and I do enjoy winter activities, but it’s April, it’s time to run outside, and snow isn’t very conducive to that. As much of a bummer as it is to wake up to snow in April, I have to tell myself that this is pretty typical for Spring in Utah and lasting warm weather will be here soon enough!

I went to Bodyfit class at work yesterday for Tabata Tuesday. We did eight sets of twenty seconds on with ten seconds rest for each of the following exercises:
Bulgarian lunges
1-2-3-4s (a hopping movement where you kick up with your left foot to touch your right hand, then kick up your right foot to touch your left hand. Then you kick your left heel back and touch it with your right hand, then kick your right heel back and touch it with your left hand)
Mountain climbers – alternating between using the floor and using a BOSU
Bicep curl shoulder press
Ball pass between arms and legs

It was a killer workout, and I’m feeling it today. To make sure I’m rested up for this weekend’s long run (my final one before the half marathon), I’m not going to another Bodyfit class this week. I want fresh legs this weekend 🙂

I had planned a four mile treadmill run yesterday, but it was snowing all day and I was worried about getting home on time. When the roads are bad, traffic can really slow down a lot, so I skipped my run and headed home. Troy and I had plans to celebrate our one year anniversary with dinner at Sushi Blue in Park City. Sometimes it’s okay to skip runs, especially when you have a date night planned 🙂

We had a great night. I had a cocktail, we split a giant bowl of gourmet ramen, three sushi rolls, and this awesome bread pudding dessert:


We had a great night of celebration. We’re getting married in a little over six months (!), and I feel really lucky. Here are some photos of us from this last year, I’m looking forward to many more years with Troy.



